DWITE Online Computer Programming Contest, December 2010, Problem 2
Rectangles can be constructed out of smaller squares. Given a supply of unit squares ( in size), how many unique rectangles can be constructed?
The input will contain 5 lines, each an integer , the number of unit squares available.
The output will contain 5 lines, each a number of unique rectangles that can be constructed from up to unit squares (not all squares have to be used for some of the rectangles).
Note: a rectangle is unique if another rectangle that had previously been constructed can't be rotated to look the same way. That is, and
are considered to be the same.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Problem Resource: DWITE
can someone help me make my code faster?
Try looking for patterns instead of iterating through all the numbers.
If you consider the input
, for example, the next number with the same binary weight is
, which is around a half billion iterations away.
Edit: As pointed out by sushi,
is a billion, not a trillion.
around 1 billion? I'm sorry if I made a mistake.