Alice is playing a game of Twos and Threes. Twos and Threes is a one-player game played on a two-dimensional board containing a region to be covered. Alice has an infinite collection of dominoes and triominoes, i.e. tiles of the following shapes:
Alice can place her tiles on the board in any location and orientation. She wins the game if she finds a tiling of the region on the board such that all squares in the region are covered, all squares not in the region are not covered, and no two tiles overlap. Your task is to help Alice find a winning tiling of the region, or determine that the game cannot be won.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains two integers and
The next lines each contain
characters which are either
or .
, representing squares that are in the region and squares that are not in the region, respectively.
Output Specification
If it is impossible to win the game, output IMPOSSIBLE
Otherwise, output lines each consisting of
characters which are either
or any letter from A
to Z
, representing a winning tiling of the region. Adjacent letters which are the same should represent squares that are covered by the same tile. You may use the same letter to represent different tiles, as long as those tiles do not cover orthogonally adjacent squares.
Sample Input
4 7
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample
The sample output corresponds to the following tiling: