Editorial for DMOPC '17 Contest 1 P6 - Land of the Carrot Trees
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
For the first subtask, a brute-force DFS suffices.
Time complexity:
To obtain full points, split the operations into blocks. For each block, precompute all connected components which exist before the block (also remove any edges mentioned in the
queries of the block before computing). Note that there are at most nodes involved in the operations in the block. For each connected component containing such a node, assign this component a root and compute the
distance from each node in the component to the root. For each
operation in the block, make sure to update both the real edges as well as the edges between the connected components. Similarly, for each R
operation, update both types of edges. Finally, for each Q
operation, DFS within the connected components to obtain the answer. The final time complexity is . When
, this becomes
Time Complexity: