After a particularly bad ice storm, the central clock from the little town of Alert, Nunavut has frozen, and the hands no longer move.
Since the clock stopped, the locals have been using a stopwatch to determine the current time by adding the stopwatch's current time (in minutes) with that of the clock. However, adding is a job for computers, so until the clock thaws, they've asked you to help them determine the current time!
Input Specification
The first line of input will contain the space-separated integers
. These integers represent the hour and minutes at which the clock stopped, respectively.
The second line of input will contain the integer
Output Specification
Output the current time in 24-hour format, with the hours and minutes separated by a space.
Sample Input 1
11 59
Sample Output 1
12 1
Sample Input 2
12 0
Sample Output 2
13 1
Sample Input 3
23 58
Sample Output 3
0 3
I'm getting a time error on the 2nd part, anyone know why?
There is an O(1) solution...
The test cases used for this problem involve putting in the time not in the correct 24-hour format.
Ex: It will test the time "24 12", or "24 45".
Methinks that 100 test cases is slightly excessive, but who knows?