Aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov's deck can hold up to aircraft in line. Today's challenge will be to reach a certain aircraft configuration in the shortest time possible.
All aircraft are on deck with their crews. In one unit of time, one of three things can happen:
Four aircraft in consecutive spots simultaneously take off in formation.
Three aircraft in consecutive spots simultaneously take off in formation.
One aircraft lands at an empty spot on deck.
There are an infinite number of land-based aircraft in the air, so the third operation can always be called.
Subtask 1 [20%]
Subtask 2 [80%]
Input Specification
The first line contains integer .
The next line contains a string of length , with
representing an aircraft present and
representing an empty spot on the deck.
The next line contains a string of length , with
representing an aircraft and
representing an empty spot in the final configuration.
Output Specification
Output the minimum units of time required to reach the final configuration.
If the final configuration can not be reached, print -1
Sample Input
Sample Output
One aircraft lands at position .
Aircraft take off.
Aircraft take off.
is there no case with -1 as output?
To avoid spoiling the answer for anyone that wants to find out on their own, here it is as an editorial comment.