Editorial for COCI '23 Contest 2 #5 Zatopljenje
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Prepared by: Ivan Janjić
Let's look at the definition of an island. It is an interval, thus it is defined by the positions of its left and
right border. Maximality ensures that immediately to the left and right is sea or a border of a query. It's
not hard to prove that two islands have no borders in common and that every island has exactly two
borders. Therefore, to count islands, it's sufficient to count borders and divide the number by . Let's
observe a single query. Let's imagine an interval
as a sequence of zeroes and ones, where
relief is higher than the sea level at that position, and 0
otherwise. Add zeroes to the beginning and end
of this sequence. Now the task is to count how many times do situations 01
and 10
To solve the first subtask, it was enough to do exactly what was described above. Overall complexity of
this approach is .
To solve the second subtask, we use the fact that we are given queries in advance and that the mentioned
sequence does not change much when going from one interesting sea level to the next interesting sea level
with lower value (Interesting sea levels are a set that contains heights of all positions in a relief and all
heights encountered in queries). More precisely, some zeros get turned to ones. Turning a 0
to 1
can only
affect borders. As all queries ask for the number of islands for the whole relief, it was enough to maintain
for every boundary between positions whether it is a border of an island or not, update the total amount
accordingly and answer a query when sea level is exactly the one requested in the query. Overall complexity
of this approach is
To solve the third subtask, it was enough to observe that, given the relief structure, there can be no more
than two islands in each query. What's left is to determine the conditions for when there are ,
islands. Details are left as an exercise to the reader. Overall complexity of this approach is
We use the idea for the solution of the second subtask to solve the full problem. When looking at the sea
at some particular level, we need to know how many boundaries are island borders in an arbitrary interval.
When changing the sea level, we need to update some boundaries. We need to do the first operation
times, and the second
times overall, as we will update every position exactly once. These operations
can be implemented with a segment tree built on the boundaries between positions. Overall complexity of
this approach is