Editorial for COCI '15 Contest 2 #3 Artur
Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Let us first notice that there is always going to be at least one stick that can be removed from the table in a manner that follows the rules of the game. In other words, a solution always exists.
The first step towards solving the task is answering the question: "Is stick in the way of moving stick
?". We observe the projections of the corresponding line segments on the
-axis. A projection of a line segment with ending points
corresponds to the line segment with ending points
. If the observed projections don't have points in common, then the removal of sticks
is mutually independent. Otherwise, let
denote one of the mutual points of two projections. Let
denote the intersection of line
with stick
, and
denote the intersection of that line with stick
. Stick
is in the way of moving stick
is located above
. Therefore, the answer to the given question is obtained in
Let us imagine that each line segment corresponds to a node in a directed graph and that there is an edge from node to node
if and only if stick
is in the way of moving stick
. Now we need to find a sequence of nodes so that it holds for each directed path between
that node
is located before node
in that sequence. This order of nodes is called topological sort and it is found using a slight modification of depth-first search (DFS). More precisely, after we have expanded from one node to all its neighbours, we add that node to the end of the sequence. This way, we have made sure that all line segments in the way of moving the current one are removed before we remove the current line segment.
The time complexity of this algorithm is because of building the graph. The topological sort itself is as efficient as a DFS traversal of the graph.