After he got tired of rotating tables, the teacher gave Perica another problem. She wrote two integers, and
, on the blackboard and asked him to add them.
Perica is never wrong with his calculation, but sometimes he doesn't copy the numbers correctly. The only mistake he ever makes is copying a 5
as a 6
, and vice versa.
Given two numbers, and
, calculate the minimum and the maximum sum Perica could possibly get.
Input Specification
The first and only line of input contains positive integers and
Output Specification
In a single line of output, print two space separated integers, the minimum and maximum sum Perica could get.
Sample Input 1
11 25
Sample Output 1
36 37
Sample Input 2
1430 4862
Sample Output 2
6282 6292
Sample Input 3
16796 58786
Sample Output 3
74580 85582