CCC '25 S5 - To-Do List

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Points: 17 (partial)
Time limit: 4.0s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem type
Canadian Computing Competition: 2025 Stage 1, Senior #5

Wow, your to-do list is empty... but not for long! Over the next few seconds, you'll have to handle Q updates to your to-do list.

For the first type of update, you will have to add a new homework assignment to your to-do list. This assignment will be released at the beginning of second s, and will take t seconds to complete (1 \le s, t \le 10^6). For the second type of update you will have to remove the i-th homework assignment that was added to your to-do list.

After each update, you wonder: what's the earliest time you can finish all of the homework assignments in your to-do list? You can only work on one assignment at a time, and you must finish a homework assignment once you start it without switching to another assignment.

Input Specification

The first line of input contains an integer Q.

The next Q lines each contain a line starting with a character A or D. A line starting with A represents the first type of update and ends with two space-separated encrypted* integers s' and t' . A line starting with D represents the second type of update and ends with an encrypted integer i'. It is guaranteed that there have been at least i assignments added and that the i-th assignment to be added has not been removed yet.

It is guaranteed that there is at least one homework assignment on your to-do list after every update.

The following table shows how the available 15 marks are distributed:

Marks Bounds on Q Additional Constraints
2 1 \le Q \le 3000 None
6 1 \le Q \le 10^6 Only updates of the first type
7 1 \le Q \le 10^6 None

*Note that the input for this problem is encrypted. To decrypt and obtain the actual values of s, t, and i, you may use the following formulas:

s = (s' + \text{ans}) \bmod (10^6 + 3) \quad\quad t = (t' + \text{ans}) \bmod (10^6 + 3) \quad\quad i = (i' + \text{ans}) \bmod (10^6 + 3)

Here, \text{ans} represents the answer after the previous update and is initially 0 before any updates. It may also be useful to note that \bmod corresponds to the % operator in most programming languages, indicating the remainder after division. For example, 5 \bmod 3 = 2 and 17 \bmod 4 = 1.

Output Specification

Output Q lines, where the i-th line contains the earliest time (in seconds) you can finish all of the homework assignments in your to-do list after the i-th update.

Sample Input 1

A 3 3
A 2 0
A 999996 999995
D 999991
A 1000000 999994
D 999992

Sample Input 1 (Unencrypted)

A 3 3
A 7 5
A 4 3
D 1
A 8 2
D 2

Output for Sample Input 1


Explanation of Output for Sample Input 1

The unencrypted sample input is provided for ease of reference.

After the first update, we can start the first assignment at the beginning of second 3 and finish at the end of second 5 (interval [3, 5]).

After the second update, we can do the first assignment over the interval [3, 5] and the second assignment over the interval [7, 11].

After the third update, we can do the first assignment over the interval [3, 5], the third assignment over the interval [6, 8], and then the second assignment over the interval [9, 13].

After the fourth update, we can do the third assignment over the interval [4, 6] and the second assignment over the interval [7, 11].

After the fifth update, we can do the third assignment over the interval [4, 6], the second assignment over the interval [7, 11], and the fourth assignment over the interval [12, 13].

After the sixth update, we can do the third assignment over the interval [4, 6] and the fourth assignment over the interval [8, 9].

Sample Input 2

A 1000000 1000000
A 4 4

Sample Input 2 (Unencrypted)

A 1000000 1000000
A 1000000 1000000

Output for Sample Input 2



  • 1
    spheniscine  commented on March 12, 2025, 5:00 a.m. edit 3

    The problem statement/format is slightly confusing to me, because time is treated as a discrete rather than a continuous value. It just seems more natural to me to say that something that starts at time 3.0\mathrm{s} and lasts for 3.0\mathrm{s} will end at time 6.0\mathrm{s}, rather than the "end of second 5". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It would have been worse if it weren't for the sample output and explanation.