RLE is a simple compression algorithm used to compress sequences containing
subsequent repetitions of the same character. By compressing a particular sequence,
we obtain its code. The idea is to replace repetitions of a given character (like aaaaa
with a counter saying how many repetitions there are. Namely, we represent it by a
triple containing a repetition mark, the repeating character and an integer representing
the number of repetitions. For example, aaaaa
can be encoded as #a5
(where #
represents the repetition mark).
We need to somehow represent the alphabet, the repetition mark, and the counter. Let
the alphabet consist of characters represented by integers from the set
. The code of a sequence of characters from
is also a sequence
of characters from
. At any moment, the repetition mark is represented by a
character from
, denoted by
. Initially
is 0, but it may change during the coding.
The code is interpreted as follows:
- any character
in the code, except the repetition mark, represents itself,
- if the repetition mark
occurs in the code, then the two following characters have special meaning:
- if
is followed by
, then it represents
repetitions of
- otherwise, if
is followed by
), then
will be the repetition mark from that point on,
- otherwise, if
is followed by
), then it represents
repetitions of
- if
Using the above scheme, we can encode any sequence of characters from . For
instance, for
, the sequence
can be encoded as
. First character of the code 1
means simply 1
. Next 001
encodes 00
. Then, 023
represents 222222
, 032
represents 33333
, and 010
switches the
repetition mark to 1
. Then 0302
represents itself and finally 101
encodes 0000
A sequence may be encoded in many ways and code length may vary. Given an already encoded sequence, your task is to find a code with the least number of characters.
Write a program that:
- Reads the size of the alphabet and the code of a sequence.
- Finds the shortest code for that sequence.
- Writes the result.
Input Specification
The first line contains one integer
: the size of the alphabet. The second line contains one integer
: the length of the code. The last line contains
integers from the
separated by single spaces, representing the code of a sequence.
Output Specification
The first line should contain
one integer : the least number of characters in a code representing the given
sequence. The last line of the output should contain
integers from the set
separated by single spaces: the code of the sequence. If there exist
several shortest sequences, your program should output any one of them.
Sample Input 1
1 0 0 1 0 2 3 0 3 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 1
Sample Output 1
1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 3 1 3 2 0 3 0 2 1 0 1
Sample Input 2
10 10 10 0 10 0 10 10 13 10 10 13 10 10 13
Sample Output 2
0 10 13 0 10 13 0 10 10