Baltic Olympiad in Informatics: 2004 Day 2, Problem 2

There are given rectangles on the plane. Rectangle sides are parallel to coordinate axis. These rectangles may overlap, coincide or be drawn inside one another. Their vertices have non-negative integer coordinates and
coordinates do not exceed
coordinates do not exceed
A segment is started in the point and ended in point
. The coordinates of the point
(the other end of the segment) satisfy the following conditions:
- The coordinates of
are integer numbers;
- The point
belongs either to the segment
or to the segment
The segment might cross rectangles (we assume that crossing takes place even if only one rectangle vertex is crossed).
Write a program to find a point for which the segment
crosses as many rectangles as possible.
Input Specification
The first line of the input contains three space-separated integers: and
Each of the following lines contains four space-separated integers: the coordinates of the bottom left corner
, and coordinates of the top right corner
Output Specification
Output three space-separated integers on the first and only line of output.
First output the maximum number of crossed rectangles, followed by the and
coordinates of point
If there are several solutions, output any one of them.
Sample Input
22 14 8
1 8 7 11
18 10 20 12
17 1 19 7
12 2 16 3
16 7 19 9
8 4 12 11
7 4 9 6
10 5 11 6
Sample Output
5 22 12
Sample Explanation
The sample corresponds to the diagram in the problem statement. Another possible solution is 5 22 11