University of Toronto ACM-ICPC Tryouts 2013
Dr. Baws has an interesting problem. His graduate students, while
friendly with some select people, are generally not friendly with each
other. No graduate student is willing to sit beside a person they aren't
friends with.
The desks are up against the wall, in a single line, so it's possible
that Dr. Baws will have to leave some desks empty. He does know which
students are friends, and fortunately the list is not so long: it turns
out that for any subset of graduate students, there are at most
pairs of friends. Dr. Baws would like you to minimize the total
number of desks required. What is this minimum number?
Input Specification
The input begins with an integer , the number of test cases.
Each test case begins with two integers on their own line:
the number of graduate students (who are indexed by the integers
), and
, the number of friendships among the students.
Following this are
lines, each containing two integers
separated by a single space. Two integers
represent a mutual
friendship between students
The total size of the input file does not exceed 2 MB.
Output Specification
For each test case output a single number: the minimum number of desks Dr. Baws requires to seat the students.
Sample Input
6 5
1 2
1 3
1 4
4 5
4 6
Sample Output
Explanation of Sample
As seen in the diagram, you seat the students in two groups of three with one empty desk in the middle.