Steven the monkey recently discovered something called the monkey stock market. He is given an array of integers. Each integer
denotes the price of one stock share on the
day. On each day he can:
- Spend all his money to buy stock shares. He gains
shares, where
denotes the amount of money he has. Then
- Sell all the shares he currently has. He gains
dollars, where
denotes the number of shares he has. Then
- Don't take action.
Being an extremely popular monkey influencer, he can control the stock market by reordering the stock prices any way he wants.
However, he is an extremely busy monkey, so he hires you to help him determine an order of the prices such that if he acts optimally, he can maximize the amount of money he has by the end of the days. Given that he starts with no stocks and an undetermined amount of money, output a list of directions as to which days he should buy, sell or skip on.
Input Specification
The first line contains the integer , the number of days.
The next line contains the space-separated integers
Output Specification
On the first line, output some optimal permutation of the original array. On the next line, output letters without spaces in between — the
letter denoting the action performed on the
day, which is either
for buying, S
for selling, or E
for skipping. Remember that having shares is not the same as having money.
Note: Any valid output will be accepted.
Sample Input
4 2 2
Sample Output
2 2 4
Say we start with dollars. We first buy, so we end up with
stocks. On the second day, we skip, and on the last day, we sell to obtain a total of
dollars. This arrangement can be proven to be optimal.
O(N lg N), Java instead of Python, using faster input libraries, and still TLE. How can I shave off some more microseconds? 😒
string concatenation is O(N)
im not good w ad hoc is the optimal strat for the last 2 days to buy on the cheapest price, then sell on the highest price?
What is it with the Presentation Error?
My answer is in
complexity but is considered too slow... Is it because I code in Python ?
Steven 🤓 the monkey 🐒 on 👉👉 the 🙄 sigma ∑ male 😤🥵 grind 💪💪🏻💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿 set 💸🤑💰💰💰