DMOPC '15 February Contest
posted on Jan. 28, 2016, 12:37 p.m.
Thanks to everyone who participated in this month's DMOPC!
Congratulations to the winners:
We hope you enjoyed the contest! All problems have been moved to the main judge, and editorials may be found on the problem pages by clicking "Read editorial". See you next month!
On Tuesday, February 9, we'll be hosting the February Don Mills Open Programming Contest!

Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.
Contestants may participate in any 3-hour window between 12PM EST and 9PM EST. Please see the contest page for more details.
See you soon, and good luck!
When are the CCC 2016 questions going to be added to the judge?
To add onto FatalEagle's reply, the problems and solutions are already added to the judge, but we must wait until every school has finished writing before we publish them.
20 February 2016
Lmfao, the grader takes a shit every year...
I find all my submissions from yesterday are gone. Anyone has the same problem?
Edit: nvm, they just reset the timer
Edit: the online judge is down again.
Is the judge down for anybody else?
Our school starts the CCC Senior at 8:30am - 11:30am, and then the CCC Junior from 12:30pm. The senior folks (myself included) only got to use the judge for the last ~15 minutes, and even then we got no feedback until it was over for us. :/
Same to my school
No one's code from my school even compiled during the contest
P1 compiled around 1:30 for us, then it dropped forever. Also, the problem about tandem bikes had a reference to both WCIPEG and DMOJ. We're cool now.
Wow is there really one problem like tandem bikes? Shameful if so as I didn't write it :)
Yes, I think it comes on at 10:30.
I did get the page to load just now after a few tries. The basic HTML loaded, but non of the images nor CSS loaded properly.
I think it is just under heavy load.
Are you sure? Any sources?
~ Jeffrey Xiao
I dont think it'll be up by 10:30
I don't really know where to post this so I'm saying it here, but the graphs for ratings are going from the most recent rating to the oldest rating (left to right).